BJCP catagory for pilsner ale

I recently split a pilsner batch between a pilsner yeast and an ale yeast. Both turned out real good and I was thinking about entering both in an upcoming competition. Would category 23 be the right one for the pilsale?

I always need help categorizing my beers. Everyone always tells me to enter it as what it tastes like. So, what does it taste like? Even with ale yeast, it could come across as a pilsner depending on the yeast strain, its fermentation and storage profiles.

Could you post your recipe? Depending on the yeast character it could be a blonde ale…

My thought is why wouldn’t it just fall into a blonde ale category?


My thought, too.

That, or enter it as a pilsner and see what you get. Depends on how close you feel it tastes to a pilsner vs a blonde ale. But Blonde ale is probably more appropriate.

Precisely…just enter it as whatever it most tastes like. That is. after all, the most important parameter and, in the end, the only one that really matters at all.
I’ve tasted lager beers made with ale yeast that actually tasted more authentically  ‘lager-like’ than some which were made with actual lager yeast.  As suggested by others in this thread, there are factors at play in the flavor profile of a beer other than the type of yeast (or other ingredients) used.

What does it taste like?  That’s all the judges will know, not what yeast you used.

It tastes like a pilsner making my experiment successful, but I planned to enter the lager fermented one in the pilsner category and I don’t think I’m allowed to enter two beers in one category.

I also fermented part of the batch with the lager yeast at ale temperature and was thinking about entering that one in the blonde ale category.

What lager yeast did you use? What ‘ale’ temps did you use it at?

I am curious about using W34/70 around 60F…

It might also be a good fit for Cream Ale depending on how bitter it is.

That should work fine.
I fermented at 72f with WLP830.