How would the BJCP classify a Porter-Stout type malt build fermented with Abbey Ale yeast?
I tasted it today after two days of primary, and wow, real encouraged, roasty, malty, not too phenolic.
Started at 60 degrees, scooting it up 2 degrees a day after the primary chaos. 1.067 O.G.
Likewise, the same malt build with Kolsch yeast? Same degrees, tastes sweeter than the WLP 530.
My guess – the dark Abbey is a Belgian Specialty Ale, and the dark Kolsch a Robust Porter. Close?
Belgian Specialty for the first, the second is not so cut and dried, if it has the attributes of a Robust Porter then a Robust Porter, otherwise it may not fit anywhere and head to the catch all Specialty category. Many times people try to take a beer and make it fit into one of the categories. Much better to set out to brew a particular style and then enter in that style. Brewing to style is not an easy thing to do