So i’m looking to make a black currant mead and I am having the hardest time finding it anywhere. Even online all I can find is Ribena. I did find but they don’t ship to my state. Has anybody had any luck? I did find some Black Currant wine base at homebrew supply but i’m not sure if that’d work.
If there are any specialty UK/English or German shops around you they might stock it or at least be able to order it for you if you need enough to support buying an entire case. Health food stores might carry it as well or be able to order it.
Any reason why Ribena isn’t an option for you? I believe they are the big seller in Europe. Outside of imports I don’t think you’ll find many domestic options here as black currant is not a flavor well received around here.
Any chance there might be local growers with an excess harvest sitting in their freezers?
Is there any particular reason for your concern with this? If it’s the Vintner’s Best version (or something similar), it’s just listed as having some additional sugar and acid added to the juice concentrates. The SG listed is approximately 1.078. I don’t see why it wouldn’t work.
I haven’t done it so I’m not sure what ratio would be best, but you could make a partial batch of mead and then add the wine base near the end of fermentation. For example if you’re shooting for a 5 gallon batch, make a 4 gallon batch of mead as you normally would, and then add a gallon of the currant wine base (or more depending on what ratio you choose) once fermentation is a week or so in. Let it ferment out and see what you’ve got.
I wouldn’t even worry about staggered nutrient additions for an OG at that level. Just add all the nutrient. If you’ve already started the SNA, it won’t hurt. You just want to make sure you get all the nutrient in before the fermentation is done.