I’ve given up on trying to build a larger fermenter and I’m on the cusp of ordering a 14 gal Blichmann.
Just before I do, I wanted to ask for opinions if this was the way to go or not. I’m sure that they are excellent but I want to be sure before ordering. My options are somewhat limited because a lot of US homebrew suppliers don’t ship to Canada but the price isn’t bad.
So, should I get this? Or, should I go bigger? I debated the larger size a lot because I don’t want to be limited in the future but as for today, I’m only doing 10 gal batches so 14 is good for now.
I know you can make excellent beer in plastic buckets but I like the idea of being able to harvest yeast, easier cleanup than carboys and to be honest, it’s just so darn shiny.
Look into Brewhemoths. They are nice, 22 gallon size, I’m currently fermenting two 10 gallon batches in them, I own two. They are pressurizable to over 100 psi, you can buy a chiller attachment. A good deal.
As I mostly brew ales, I would be at ambient temp. I have a fridge that is available for lagers although I would need a second controller. Same as I do today. Is there more temp buildup with 10 gallons than 5?
The Blichmann I have is very nice. It is shiny. Never would have bought it, but it was a retirement gift from all of the gals and guys I had mentored over the years. They really did give me a great gift. You can maybe do temp control the way I do in the winter in the garage - use a controller to add heat. Right now I have a trouble light with a 60W bulb and 40W of thermowrap.
Others guys I know use the MoreBeer temp controlled conicals and like them, just for another option.
These are other things you can do with a conical of any brand. Dump trub after 1 day out the bottom port. Easy gravity samples through the racking port. You can use CO2 to blow the yeast off the bottom if it has flocced out early (2 PSI in the dump port is more than enough). You can use CO2 to blow dry hops off the bottom (but I have not done that). I am going to also try to use the Hop Rocket that I have as a torpedo to dry hop - think I have the hoses and layout to do it, just have to try. You can also top crop if you want, don’t clamp the lid down, and harvest as needed, slide the lid back on.
You don’t need a conical to make great beer. But you will find it nice to have. It is shiny.
One down side, I have had beer stone build up using RO water. SS, PBW, SS sequence and elbow grease will remove it. make sure you have plenty of Ca in the water you are using.
I own a lot of Blichmann gear, but for the 12.2 Gallon Stainless Steel Conical Fermenter I prefer the morebeer 12.2 basic model for one primary reason: the cone can be lifted out of the stand. Plus the whole thing fits inside a Kenmore freezer-less refrigerator where I can control temp exactly with the addition of a space heater. But this is in my basement where I don’t have running water or a sink for cleaning.
The empty cone of my bbb conical is lightweight and lifts out of the stand very easily. I carry it up to the kitchen sink and set it on a modified bottling bucket (with cut-out to accommodate the side port). Then I can fill it, soak it, and drain it into the sink.
+1 to a Brewhemoth, I have one and it is very well made. You can fit it in a fridge as well. I’ve looked at both designs and I think the shallower conical on the Brewhemoth is preferrable for space reasons. As I understand it a 45 degree conical is adequate to get yeast to move to the bottom. I also think the Brewhemoth can take a higher pressure than a Blichmann, but I don’t know this for a fact. I’ve already taken my Brewhemoth to 30psi to precarbonate prior to racking to kegs with counter-pressure. its a nice option.
I have the 14.6gal Blichmann conical and really like it. I like having the ability to drop the trub and yeast. Plus it’s very easy to rack the beer and clean. I use it when my cellar reaches the low 60’s (ambient temp). I wish I had a fridge big enough to wheel it in so I can make lagers…I’m working on getting one someday. I use it for making my house IPA among other ales. I don’t recommend fermenting 5 gal batches as it doesn’t provide enough pressure on the yeast therefore rendering a highly estery beer.
I really like the Blichmann conical and would recommend it to anyone. Go for it!
Thats kind of what I thought although they advertize as being the only pressurizable fermentor on the market. I have my Brewhemoth at 30psi right now, I know they are tested to 60psi.
Not having a large lid has its down side (cleaning) but for pressurization its a big plus.