Hello there! I have been trying to find a good Blind pig recipe. The closest one I have is from zymurgy 2012 and bertus brewery. I hear the recipe is different now. Any Ideas?
Here my recipe for Blind Pig. Brewed twice, seems comparable, but I’ve never drank side by side…
12 lbs American 2-row info
.5 lbs American Caramel 40°L info
0.5 lbs White Wheat Malt; Briess info
.75 lbs 2-Row Carapils® Malt; Briess info
1 oz Chinook (Pellets, 11.0 %AA) boiled 60 min. info
1 oz Cascade (Pellets, 5.50 %AA) boiled 30 min. info
1 oz Cascade (Pellets, 5.50 %AA) boiled 15 min. info
0.5 oz Amarillo® (Pellets, 8.50 %AA) boiled 1 min. info
0.5 oz Simcoe® (Pellets, 13.00 %AA) boiled 1 min. info
1 oz Simcoe® (Pellets, 13.00 %AA) used as dry hop. info
1 oz Amarillo® (Pellets, 8.50 %AA) used as dry hop. info
1 oz Cascade (Pellets, 5.50 %AA) used as dry hop. info
2 tsp. Phosphoric Acid 10% (in all water for ph 5.2) (not included in calculations)
2 tsp. Irish Moss (at 15 min) (not included in calculations)
1 oz. Oak Wood Chips (10 days) (not included in calculations)
Yeast : White Labs WLP001 California Ale info
Thanks for the reply, I’d love see anyone else recipes too. Also Milli what temp do you mash at?
I mash at 156, 60 min, fly-spare 170 degrees
Have you emailed the brewery? I know they have been helpful in the past.
This is a GREAT recipe and good site. The guy is pretty IPA-focused and makes IPAs like I prefer them. I made this last year and loved it :
Blind Pig Clone 2.0 – Bertus Brewery
BTW I’ve had Blind Pig in person and this is pretty faithful to it.
agreed - I made that recipe once and its pretty close.
Email Vinnie, I imagine he will get you pretty close. Or check the Brewing Network forum. Or see if Morebeer lists the recipe for their clone kit of Blind Pig.
Hey guys thanks for the replies. I’m a big fan of Scott’s blog at Bertus. I was planning to brew his recipe, but I showed it to a reliable source that told me the recipe is much different now (could not tell me more, sorry). I did email the brewery and have yet to hear back from them. Also the recipe on Morebeer kit is the old version of Blind pig from temecula with the oak. I’ve scoured the forums through google searching, but nothing has come up. If Vinnie does email me back I will post back with the results (with his permission of course).
I’m headed up to the brewery for the first time this February for the release of Pliny the Younger. Maybe I’ll get to ask him then!
definitely do so more primary research, but honestly, I think VC/RR is always changing the recipes based on the hop harvests etc and the flavors and aromas VC is trying to pull out of them. I had a fresh <3 weeks old bottle of BP recently and it was definitely a bit different, and not as good as the one I had during the first half of 2013 (May?).
point being, you’re probably never going to nail it currently since its a moving target, but Scott’s recipe is pretty darned solid and in the spirit of BP.
just my $0.02
I had it fresh in 2012 and the recipe I posted (and brewed) was very similar. Can’t speak for the current version. But aside from anything else, it’s a good IPA recipe.
Here is mine… This comes from Vinney at Russian River and pretty much matches what is Mitch Steels IPA book. He no longer uses oak (that was from his old brewery) and has dropped the white wheat. The recipe listed below does have more IBUs than the original recipe. The original is at 60-70 IBU’s, mine is at about 85.
86% Pale Malt
4.5% Crystal 40L
4% Cara-Pils
Chinook 60 min (39.3 IBU)
Columbus 60 min (30 IBU)
Amarillo 30 min (16 IBU)
Amarillo 0 min (1 oz)
Cascade 0 min (1 oz)
Centennial 0 min (1 oz)
Simcoe 0 min (1 oz)
Dry Hop (1 oz each) of Amarillo, Cascade, Centennial, Columbus
Mash at 152 for 75 minutes
1.058- 1.060 OG
About 85 IBUs
6% ABV
Thank you for your recipe cheshire. May I ask how long ago Vinnie gave you the recipe. I know its an evolving process. I get a lot more simcoe in the aroma and taste now.
It was probably two years ago. He did say they change the ratio hops year to year (though they always use the same hops) based harvest, cost, and the amount they can get. The grain bill however is the same year to year. My guess as Simcoe and Amarillo have become more available he can use them more.
To be honest, I have never been able to nail this one, but it comes close. Being such a light beer the hops really shine, so I think just getting hops from a difference source makes a big difference.
That does make sense that they would see how the hops are coming in and adjust. A reliable source told me that Vinnie actually just modified the grain bill in this last batch, so he definitely is keeping it as a work in progress.
I find it interesting about the simcoe flavor because the most recent bottle of PTE I had a overdone simcoe flavor. I imagine the last batch of simcoe they got was pretty potent.
cheshire - you’re missing some grain?
Haha, good point. Those percentages dont quite match up do they