Bluebonnet Brewoff 2021 Results

The Bluebonnet Brewoff competition is one of the largest in the USA, with entries from coast to coast, and many brew clubs participating from outside of Texas.

Nearly 1,300 entries total. The awards presentation was at 1pm, CDT, today.

Two of my lager entries won 1st Place:

  1. Munich Helles - BJCP 4A
  2. Oktoberfest - BJCP 6A Marzen

My brewing partner, R.J., was awarded 3rd Place:

  1. English Porter - BJCP 13C

The above were brewed with 100% Ireks malt. The water was 100% city tap water, filtered, but no treatments.

The yeast for the Helles was Saflager W-34/70. The Oktoberfest was Wyeast Oktoberfest Lager Blend.

The Porter was Wyeast London Ale.

I am shocked at these awards!

Good for you, congratulations! Raising a :beer:.

Bluebonnet was the first competition I entered when back from Germany.
Haven’t entered again because of timing, but always follow how my Texas friends do.
W34/70 makes a great beer if your treat it right.

Thanks! I’m enjoying a glass right now, Helles. And I gave away 5 gallons of this to another brewing friend.

I’m not a competition person but I imagine those are some pretty competitive categories you took first in.
You seem like a very earnest brewer, I am happy that all your hard work was recognized. I think the best thing to say is “Prost!”

Congrats! BB has returned as a great comp!

Shame it’s two years of online, an no in-person.

Thanks so much for the kind words! I am humbled, and feel very lucky.

I take it quite seriously, but at the same time have fun! Getting a 1st Place award in two categories, and my brewing partner getting 3rd Place is just icing on the cake.

The event organizers were saying how difficult their job was, because there were so many very good entries. I am anxious to get my actual score sheets.

My Festbier, and my APA, British Golden Ale, and English Porter did not place.

My APA was a dead ringer for a Sierra Nevada Pale Ale.

Here is the Munich Helles. This was fermented in the Genesis Plastic Fermenter.

Thanks! Yes, R.J. and I were commenting on that. It should have been at the DFW Sheraton. That would have been a real hoot for us. Can’t wait until next year!
Most of the awards were taken by brew clubs, or members of brew clubs. Not many independent types there.


Awesome. What were your scores?


Thanks. I don’t have my score sheets yet. The trophy’s are being shipped out Monday, so hope to have the actual score sheets this week.

We thought the scores would be emailed to all of the contestants.

Winning a medal is always great fun. Congratulations.

Very good job, congratulations !
You must feel so honored  8)

Congratulations on your medals!

Thanks for all of the nice words.

Winning is fun…because in my case it was so unexpected. Total surprise. Now the pressure is already building for next year. R.J. and I were saying, we set the bar pretty high for ourselves, it’s going to be a challenge to do much better.

The odd thing is the beers entered that were actually the “best” of my entries did not place. My APA was by far the best single beer that I entered. But it was a perfect middle-of-the-road beer. Dry hopped with Cascade Hops. I would have thought this beer would have done well. I did not push the style envelope at all. Maybe that’s why it did not place.

But all of my friends are celebrating, and asking when they can come over to sample some award winning beers!

We will set our goals high for the next go-around, and do better!

Very anxious to get my actual score sheets.

SN Pale Ale would not win in the APA category if SN entered it. A wonderful beer, but many APAs now use more of the distinctive proprietary hops, and stand out.


Actually, that’s already happened.  SNPA, the beer that defines APA, has missed out on GABF awards.

Congrats! Winning two lager categories is certainly an impressive feat for any brewer, in my opinion. Enjoy the accolades!