I don’t use that much mineralization in my Pils or Helles. I aim more for the PsuedoPils profile in Bru’n Water and I add all the salts to the mash so that the calcium content in the mash tun is above 40 ppm. The mineral-free sparging water brings all the levels down in the final wort. The supporter’s version of Bru’n Water handles that calculation for the effect of adding all the minerals to the mash.
Starting with RO water, I try to target low 20’s ppm calcium and low 40’s chloride with all other mineral levels near zero. Typically I only need .25 grams/gal of calcium chloride to achieve those levels plus lactic acid to hit 5.2-5.3 pH. I sparge with straight RO and add the Bru’n water indicated sparge minerals directly to the kettle.
Thanks for the responses. My first step is to update my supporters version (I currently have 3.4 and probably missed updates in my gmail). Once I have that I’ll revisit the advice here.