Noob here. I am about to bottle my second ever batch (Belgian pale ale) and it’s been in primary for about 3 weeks now and going to double check SG from earlier this week to make sure it’s done. Just going to carbonate/secondary ferment in bottles. I know you’re not supposed to do that in growler as it builds too much pressure, but can I use bombers? Or do I need to stick with the 12/15 (I think that’s what the flip tops are) oz bottles for this?
I have been doing almost all my bottles in bombers since I started brewing. It really does cut down bottling time. Keep in mind though, that once they are all carbed up and you want to refrigerate prior to drinking, you need refrigerator space high enough for 22s. My beverage cooler has enough room for 5 22s upright and there is no room in main frig for beer (blasphemy I know!) I usually try to keep in my temp controlled chest freezer unless I am fermenting in it. Space can get tight. As a quick note, you want them upright to allow yeast to settle and compact at bottom of bottle. Laying them down to chill will make a mess out of your pours