bopils and carapils

I know that carapils has been discussed at length here and what carapils is used for. However, several recipes I have looked at for a bopils are simple yet call for approx. 5% carapils. Is it really necessary to use carapils in a bopils? If not would you do something different in the process to account for it?


I’d use a little vienna malt instead.  Or get the slight increase in color and malt flavor by doing decoctions.

Thanks Jeff. I think I will do a decoction. I haven’t used carapils in several years and don’t want to start now. :smiley:

I had good luck using 95% Pils malt and 5% Munich with a triple decoction.
All saaz hops and 860 Helles yeast.  I split the batch with half using 800 Pils yeast but liked the Helles better.
I cut my well water with distilled water to get close to the Pilsen water report.

If its for body then mash higher. If its for head retention then you aren’t using enough hops :slight_smile: