Just wanted to pass along a simple yet effective way to store bottles. I’m convinced this is overkill as I am storing them upside down in my fastrack, but if I’m anal about anything in my brewing… it’s sanitation.
Anyway, I’ve found that a standard tall kitchen bag (unscented of course) fits over a 2 stack fastrack. It’s also just tight enough to seal around the tray, if you use the tray. Anyhow, this is how I store my bottles after cleaning.
Neat idea! While I would not consider it to be any more sanitary than just flipping them over… I like that it keeps the dust off so they look nice when you pull them off the pile to dip into sanitizer.
I always find myself rinsing the dust off the outside then sanitizing… this will definately help.
The only negative I can see would be if this traps moisture inside the bag, and creates humid conditons inside the bag that will allow molds to grow.
I am thinking just leave the bottom “loose” like you have and only cover the bottles after they have dried… and it makes for the perfect dust cover…
(Now if I can only find a garbge bag big enough for my couch to cover them until company comes… ;D )
I thought about the mold thing too. Mostly I like it, as you said to keep them dust free. I usually cover them with a towel over night til they are dry then bag them. I think you’re right as well about venting the bottom.