Bottling from keg issue

I was using the glass tube and rubber stopper method.  I turned down the keg pressure and then partially depressurized the keg. The first bottle filled very slowly, but then the flow of beer stalled on the next one.  I turned up the keg pressure to the original 14 lbs and still no beer is flowing.  Advice please.

I did not shake the keg though because I have a recent back injury and did not want to lift it in and out of the fridge.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Did you crack the stopper to relieve back pressure?

I’m think I did, but I’m not 100% positive?

Does anyone have a DIY version of bottling from the keg? I can put beer in bottles for guests or parties (when we did that!). What I need is a process that keeps beer in bottles or a growler for months without going bad. Thanks!

You need a counter pressure bottle filler or a beer gun. You must purge the bottle with Co2. Will it stay fresh for months? Maybe if kept very cold.

I use a Beergun.  It is a quick and easy way to fill bottles.  I used to have a counter pressure filler, but always had problems with getting things set just right so the bottles didn’t foam over when filling.  The Beergun will allow you to purge the bottles with CO2 but because of the mising of gases (Dalton’s Law) you won’t get all of the O2 out.  You will get most of it though, especially if you cap on foam.  Add an O2 absorbing cap and that will help reduce staling.

Yes the Beergun is more expensive than making a counter pressure filler, but will save you a lot of time and aggravation in both construction and use, IMHO.

The best method I’ve found is to get your bottles as cold as the keg, turn the pressure down to about 3 to 4 psi, clear the pressure from the keg, let that 3 to 4 build up, fill the bottle slowly to prevent any foaming, cap it immediately. I’ve never had any problems with carbonation loss using this method.

I feel like you should be capping on foam though, no?

There a lot in forums, homebrew talk have one if I recall, but from what I read the best one is to buy a beergun, aleast for me, I want to force carbonation then bottle all the keg, I’m not doing this now but it a plan