Relatively new to kegging, only kegged about 3-4 batches so far. I want to enter some recently brewed beers in some local competitions coming up, but to make the deadlines I will need to force carb the beer and bottle from the keg.
What’s the best way of bottling from the keg (or at least a “good” way)? I’d prefer not to buy extra equipment, but am not entirely opposed to it.
If you stick the cane part of your bottlng want (sans little spring tip) and crank your serving pressure way down (<4) that can work but for about $0.60 more you can get a stopper (#4?) that will fit over the cane and into the neck of the bottle. this will create a pseudo counter pressure rig that works fairly well at minimizing the foaming in the bottle.
Over carb your beer in the keg just a bit because no matter what you are going to lose some in the process.
Keep the bottles, beer and all tubing as cold as you can without actually freezing them.
Thanks, I will certainly check out that other thread! I just bought some other upgrades so I’m trying to spend as little as possible. I think I will give the stopper/cane trick a try first.