Breakside Brewery IPA from Craft Beer and Brewing Magazine

So this came through email today and I’m sure its in a recent issue, but I am behind on my reading. Has anyone had this IPA? Does this recipe seem close to true? When I punch it into Beersmith 2, with eff set at 65%, it clocks in at 1.086 rather than the stated 1.06. I can’t imagine they are suggesting a lower eff than 65% for a posted recipe. Its just a recipe for some time in the future, but any thoughts on the recipe found in the link below?

Doesn’t seem right. I would just scale it based on percentage to hit 1.060? I have had the beer and it is good however I doubt there is that much hops for 5 gallons either…

EDIT - The beer label says 2 row, munich, caramel 40, caramel 20
hops are Columbus, falconers flight, chinook, citra
6.4% ABV
70 IBU

Ben is an awesome guy and very sharp as a brewer and at analyzing beer.

Maybe it’s a typo? It’s typical to brew to 6 gallons targeting 5 to the corny. I think BCS is designed for 6 gallons at 70% brew house.

I would scale the recipe to hit  1.060 at whatever volumes you use.

It also may be “an” IPA from  Ben at breakside rather than “the” breakside ipa.

Yes, I have it as posted in beersmith and OG is 1.086, ibus are 87, both way over what the recipe states. If I ever get around to brewing it, I will simply do as you suggest and just adjust to their targeted numbers based on my system. I guess I was just surprised to find a recipe that was so far off of what I think my system will produce. i would also likely drop the dextrose and do both c40 and c20. The recipe as posted results in OG, IBUs, and abv% well above the realm of standard IPA at least with my normal eff of 70% for a goal of 1.060. Thought it was kind of crazy. Uses 18oz of hops in 5 gallons, I have done 16 many times, but those were 5.5-6 gallon batches

Yes Jim, if I adjust my eff to that 70 and bump up to 6 finished gallon, it clocks in at 1.076 and 79 IBUs, with 8.2%abv, all still out of IPA, maybe it was a typo and should have been a DIPA. Either way, I will likely make it at some point and make some or no adjustments. I have heard good things about the brewery but we don’t get their beer here in Greater Cincinnati, so it will be the only way I can try it.
    As it was posted, it says Breakside Brewery IPA, to paraphrase: Ben Edmunds has scaled it down to homebrew size of 5g(20L). I think any irregularities come from the mag, not him.

They are winning a lot of awards lately. At Best of Craft last month they won the gold for IPA against about 170 others.

The article does state that they change hop schedules based on availability, and changes in hop lots and harvests over the course of time, so the recipe does not necessarily represent what they are currently producing, but “The combo of Columbus, Citra, Centennial, and Chinook is one of their favored combos.”
Either way, it does sound great

That was one of my got to IPA’s in Oregon and I do miss that one.  Light, with good bitterness and better aroma, the nose on that one was great.  It was mostly citrus with some pine for me, so if they are using Centennial it can’t be much.