Bretta B. and Those crazy Danish guys

Just cracked open a bottle of Mikkeller ‘Yeast’ series. This one is Bretta B. I also have a Bretta L. in the fridge. I poured off 90% of the bottle into my glass and then the rest went into 600ml of wort. The Bretta L. will go in  after that. and then I have a bottle of Flemish ale that I will decide on after I open it.

Ahh fun with yeast.

jonathan you are so fortunate to have good selections

Bottle dregs >>>>> Yeast blends

yeah, this collection is headed for a bit of a mixed up experiment.

I am normally pretty good about keeping things simple in the brewery. Rarely are there more than three things in the grain bill and three hops.

This time around I’ve  got 4 grains(2 row, munich, wheat malt, and rye flakes) but only two hops (pacific gem and Belgian Goldings)
However this time I also used three yeasts! and two of those were blends.

When I went to the LHBS to get some yeast a couple days before brew day they didn’t have any saison yeast so nor, for that matter three vials of any yeast I wanted to use.

They did have 1 vial of the American Farmhouse Blend, 1 vial of the Belgian Ale Blend and one vial of Belgian Ale (can’t remember the numbers right now).

Made starters out of each and mixed them all up to pitch.

5 gallons will get the bugs in a couple days.

The plan is to add some honey tomorrow then Thursday I will rack 5 gallons into a glass carboy and add the bugs. I hope there will be enough sugar left for them to get a good hold before it’s all used up this way.

I know, this bottle shop opened up in my town about two years ago and they have a great selection of unusual Belgian and trappist stuff.


I’m looking forward to your presentation at NHC by the way. Between your discussion of house cultures and that bottle of sour red from 1Vert you can explain a lot of my interest in this project.

So I, of course got a little off schedule in the process and only added the honey last night. I also won’t have time to wrack to secondary until tomorrow.

The starter I made with the dregs had a nice fermentation finishing up Thursday afternoon. Should I pitch the whole thing? swirl it up and pitch half? Decant and…?

Thanks - excited to talk sour and experience NHC! I’ve also got a small experiment cooked up to put together a mixed culture on Club Night. Just have to figure out how to get it back home…

ANYWAY - 600mL of starter wort shouldn’t matter too much in the long run. Swirl 'er up good and dump it in!

I signed up to introduce you - so anyone who has any good stories or can point me to the dumbest thing he’s said on the forum, let me know :slight_smile:

ha - if you’re going with dumb things I’ve said on the forum, you’re going to need your own set of slides…

I don’t want to take up all of your allotted time :slight_smile:

bump for an update

Just tasted this after three weeks on the bugs and it’s amazing. Already so complex and funky. A touch of sour but far from over the top. It’s got about 1-2 lb of cherries in it at this point I have been adding slowly as I find them in the kitchen and there is a hint of cherry but not much.


This started at 1.048 and was ~1.004-1.006 or so when it got the bugs. It’s down to 1.001 and I am thinking of bottling some of it up. Maybe pulling 1 gallon and replacing the volume with cherries to really up the cherry thing on the rest of it.

Any idea, oh great collective wisdom, if I could safely calculate priming sugar for say 2.4 volumes and bottle at this gravity in normal recycled commercial 12 oz bottles and not live to regret it?

It may or may not get to 1.000. Personally I would prime it as normal. You might get carbonation over 2.4 over time but at 1.001 it’s not like there is much residual sugar to create a high risk of explosions.

that’s what I’m thinking. There was a lb of honey in the recipe so I guess it MIGHT drop a tad below 1.000 but not too much.