I’m also needing to vent since my went horribly from a logistical stand point…starting with the LHBS clerk missing my separated milled grains into one bag “for my convenience” and ending with me realizing my wort chiller doesn’t fit to my new apartments kitchen spout. The only things that did go right were nailing both beer’s OGs.
My brew day went great. (Friday afternoon) hit all my numbers. Fermentation started fast too, about three hours. Best part, I was done in record time. Start to finish in just about 3 1/2 hours.
Sorry yours sucked. But hey, you still made beer!
I ran out of propane and had to finish my doppelbock on the stove. Fortunately it was a small batch (3gal) but I still had to make an insulation wrap for the pot to get it to boil. Beer seemed to come out fine, mat=ybe the longer boil helped. Finished at around 1.090.
My brew day on Saturday went well too. Brewed an Am. Brown Ale. My OG was a few points higher than expected but I finally dialed in my boil off (seems to change with the seasons here…). Also I repitched yeast I harvested and washed for the second time. It’s comforting when the ferment takes off in a few hours.
WOW! SWMBO was happy when I was done in 4.5 hours.
My brewday was interesting, but went pretty smoothly as brewdays go. I brewed an IIPA with an insane amount of hops. The figures I based the recipe on were mainly WAG’s, since I really had no clue how much wort I was going to lose to hops at each stage of the process. It was also my first time batch sparging using my system, and my first time using a MacGyvered hopback made from pantyhose ziptied to both my runoff and siphon tubing.
Everything worked out pretty well. My best-guess calculations were shooting for 1.075 post-boil gravity, and I hit 1.072, which is close enough for me. I left some wiggle-room for my sugar addition, so I can still hit my target OG without going over 10% cane sugar. I ended up netting 2.2 gallons of wort, which is a little lower than I hoped, but still in the ballpark. My brew kettle had about about 1 & 1/2 quarts of thick pea-soupy hop sludge when all was said & done. It was actually pretty awesome.
The best part was when I was heating my sparge water with a couple ounces of whole cone Citra and Amarillo. My kitchen smelled unbelievable. Better smell than any potpurri/candle/air freshener you could ever imagine.