Brew Files Podcast Episode 27 - Lager Myths

The Brew is Out There!

While it’s nice and chilly in most of the US, we figured what better time to sit down and talk with Zymurgy editor and Lager afficionado, Dave Carpenter about the wide world of lagers, myths about them and why you should be making them at home. Oh and did we mention Dave has a book about Lager as well?

I’m a newbie brewer, but long time winemaker (commercial) and have made 3 Dunkel beers,  Lager.  I used a couple of different warm fermenting lager yeasts,  S-23  and S-189 and fermented in my living room, temp around 72.  When finished, I cleared with gelatin at 1/2 tsp / 3 gallons and settled 48 hours, and kegged and chilled.  Delicious.  In fact, I opened a bottle of commercial Hofbrau Munchen Dunkel and compared to a glass of my Dunkel.  he HB was just a touch sweeter, and I like that, and will probably adjust my mash temp to be a bit higher for residual sweetness.  But, all in all, they pretty much tasted the same.  Used Hallertau hops and last batch was S-23 + S-189 +  Norwegian Voss Kveik  farmhouse yeast (a very warm tolerant yeast).  This starter made it go from 1.052 to 1.0019 in 4 days.  Absolutely delicious and no fruity or Ester overtones.