Brew Guru - Any way to turn off location notifications?

I have the Brew Guru app and enjoy it but I’m not seeing how to turn off the notifications when I’m near a location that offers discounts.  This is a great feature if I’m just out and about but I actually work right next to a brewery and a homebrew store which both offer AHA discounts so my phone is constantly going off when I drive by them.  I’ve gone into the App settings on my phone and disabled all notification options but I’m still getting them.  I guess I can just turn off the location permission and just turn it back on when I am interested in having it on.  It would be nice if there were a way to say “I’m not interested” or something of the like to make the notification for that particular place not show up again.

Android or iOS?

Sorry, Android.

Yeah, me too.  Unfortunately, on Android you have to disable location services globally, not per app.

In the current issue of Zymurgy Gary talks up being able to turn it off on in certain places but only on iPhones.

We Android uses don’t get that option.  :cry:

It’s an OS design thing, not really an app issue.


That seems like a big missed requirement on the Android front. Then again, your location is valuable data. I have some apps on my iPhone that should never need location services, yet they ask on first launch. Apps like a solitaire game, a unit converter, and a level.

My phone has “per app” location permissions.  I just wish there were a way to click “Do not show again” or something on the notification.

Many iOS apps allow for location services only while using. This is the setting I use with Brew Guru. If I need to look at an area, I simply open the app. Does android offer similar functionality?