Just downloaded and looked over the BF beta application for Windows and it has a nice look, standalone calculators similar to ProMash, editable databases like ProMash…but…
Boil off is inputted as a %.
Maybe they are taking comments. I’ll have to check. Otherwise it’s a nice application and one I would use were it not for the % boil off.
The developers have been quite responsive when it comes to their web app, so I’m sure they would be for the Windows app as well. Try their forums, the devs post there regularly.
Personally, I have yet to try the Windows or Android apps because the web interface is the main selling point of their software for me.
I change my batch volumes a lot. Those of us who do that and who use old software with %/hour boiloff rates just have to memorize the percentages for each size. To keep it easy, I know that for me, my boiloff percentages jump around approximately in multiples of 4. For 5 gallons, I just have to remember boiloff rate is around 16%. For 2.5-3 gallons, it’s about 24%. For 2 gallons, 28%. And for my smallest batch size of 1.7 gallons, it’s 32%. This isn’t exact but gets me close enough, and the numbers are easier for me to remember this way.
I’m starting to think 2 gallons might become my new normal. 1.7 gallons wasn’t quite cutting it. But I’m not sure yet. So I’ve actually been bouncing back and forth between 1.7 and 2 gallons. If I start brewing more often again then I’ll need to adjust down to 1.7 gallons. But anyway, I digress.
Not at the moment. It does however present a nice alternative for people who dig Brewers Friend but don’t have an Internet connection available all the time. All of their standalone calcs are in there too.
I really like ProMash but am on a learning curve right now.
Brewers Friend for Windows started life as BrewMate a few years ago. I guess BF bought the software and rebranded it so they could offer a standalone, offline product; but I don’t think much (if anything at all) changed with the rebranding. I guess this is just a “fun fact” type post but interesting to know the lineage. It’s nice that they kept the pricepoint the same
Also, I am fairly condifent that BF is also owned by the same people as HBT (as well as many other forums and websites)
I actually had no idea they had a windows app, I’ll have to download it and take a look.
ATM I’m still using BS2, but am hoping I can start contributing to brewtarget, now that I joined their team, and help improve their offering in terms of completeness and ease of use.
Boil off % is one of the things that kills me too. It’s just a sign of out of date information and makes me not want to trust anything.