I had a dream last night that I made the most disastrous batch of beer. It boiled over multiple times, I forgot a bunch of hop additions, and then I tried to chill it in an ice bath in which it turned over (I normally use a wort chiller.) For some reason I didn’t dream of the mash at all. In the dream, I kept thinking “people have been making beer for thousands of years” and ended up with a single half gallon. It was the homebrewer’s version of “I realized I was naked in front of everyone at work.”
What a terrible nightmare
Man! That’s traumatizing. I hope your next actual brew day goes without a hitch.
It’s a Russian Imperial Stout, so it could be touch and go for this brewer with only 7 all grain batches under her belt! I’m just hoping I can get the OG up to my planned 1.10 (Beersmith.) I’ve got some DME just in case, but I’d really rather not use it. I guess I could just boil it down to the correct OG. Wish me luck!
Don’t worry - and for what it is worth, the best homebrewer I know uses DME in his RIS batches - he plans on it to get the batch right due to mash tun limitations. And I can attest to his award winning beers…they are fantastic. I won’t give away his name, but he is an “AllStar”. So don’t be afraid to use your DME on an “allgrain” batch.
Totally agree.
Thanks folks! I needed to hear that.
I had a brewing nightmare recently myself, I had finished cooling a triple decocted doppelbock, then as I was going to transfer to the fermentor the ball valve fell off the beer.
Woke up in a cold sweat.
Have you actually triple decocted? Damn.
Well today is brew day…