Brewing TV - Episode 20: Fred Eckhardt


  • The one, the only… Fred Eckhardt

Whether you’re a homebrewer or simply a lover of great beer in America – we all owe a huge debt of gratitude to Fred Eckhardt. Brewing TV was lucky enough to chat with Fred over a few pints. This is what he had to say about the past, present and future of good beer.

All for brew, brew for Fred

Now that was awesome! I felt a little pang of affection for the guy- especially at the end when he… Well I won’t spoil it for ya! Gotta watch the show! :wink:

Thanks! ;D

I’ve never heard of him.

Then you have not been paying attention.  :slight_smile:

The second Sierra Nevada 30 beer released this year was Charlie, Fred and Ken’s Helles Bock.  None other than Fred Eckhardt.

thank you Fred! One of the true saviors of American beer ;D