Brewing water in CO

My wife and I have been looking into buying a second home in Colorado. The house we are looking at is on a well but at a high elevation. I am conscious of the demand home brewing (and in my case all grain) could put on the well. But if I were a resident is it lawful to fill water from streams and take it to my home brew home on the hill?

:).  Lawful?  Probably not; all water is spoken for in this state.

That said, I can’t imagine anybody downstream would ever pester you about filling your kettle.

There are many people that use the water from Eldorado Natural Springs, that being said i know there laws (especially during droughts that prevent from recycling your own water (showers, rain catcher tubs etc.) and as stated pretty much water in the state is “owned” by someone downstream.

However, according to Aravada Brewing owner, he never has to had any minerals to his water (city not sure about well), unless you are trying to match a specific water chemistry