Make Vegemite
But wasn’t this discussed before- maybe a year back? Someone said not practical at the homebrew level but I’ve always wondered “why not?”.
Maybe because of the trub that would also be in the mix? I don’t know how it’s made, but it can’t really be that hard, can it? The problem may be more of a problem with how much you end up with (too much).
With a conical you could dump the trub. But yes probably end up with several quarts of the stuff. Which might be a bit much…
Yeah, I don’t really get it. But then I don’t know how it’s made . . .
Here’s the conversation from last year . . . I must have spent some time googling around
I still think it would be easy. Interesting (but logical) that the yeast strain would make a difference.
I googled around too tom and you had better results than I did. I found where the stuff
may be an aussy national secret…and maybe best left that way too, I have tried marmite and
well, thanks but no thanks. I would rather eat dry yeast. No, Seriously!