broken refrctometer

I have an atc refractometer my wife bought me for christmas last year. I have grown to love the thing. Well go to use it on saturday and the scale is sideways and totally out of focus. I decide to have a look inside and it dissembled pretty easily. The glass scale inside  mounted to an L shape arm which was supposed to be in a slot and wasnt and i believe it should have been glued but cant tell. Should this have a warranty I have the recipt but paperwork makes no mention of a warranty I really like my LHBS but dont want to tke it back unless they r reimbursed from the manufacturer. Thoughts?
the wife paid 60 bucks.

There’s most likely not going to be a warranty. I have successfully glued mine back together with a little super glue. That said, you can buy them new 25-35 bucks.

Yeah, the lense fell off of mine but I was able to superglue it back on.  Better than nothing.

Thanks for the replys - guess i will get the super glue out!

Love the homebrewing ingenuity!

Waiting for someone to chime in that they fixed theirs with duct tape…