BS Remover

Yesterday, after I racked a Blonde Ale from fermenter to keg, I noticed some scale-like build up while cleaning the fermenter. I believe this is the beginnings of beer stone so I’m looking at BS Remover. I’ve read #5 acid wash is good at making beer stone easy to remove, but I can’t find it for sale. I believe BS Remover is a newer-ish product from the same company and am curious if others have had any experience with this product.

BS Remover is available to homebrewers, #5 AFAIK is not. Might be the same thing by another name?  I use BS Remover (BTW best product name ever, right?) Works a charm.  Softens and loosens beerstone (makes it sludgy,) but on some deposits you may need a little brushing to dislodge the residue.  I also contacted Five  Star, and they confirmed to me that BS Remover is suitable for your quarterly acid cleaning of draught lines.

Your local hardware store likely has Bar Keeper’s Friend, which should also work on beer stone.

Local feed or agricultural supply store would have acid wash.  I use it to clean milk stone from milking machine lines.

Just tried BKF on the false bottom of my LT, took the beerstone right off.  I’ll still rely on BS Remover for kegs and parts and fittings you just can’t get into to scrub. It requires minimal mechanical action, just to dislodge the goo and then rinse it away.  BKF dirt cheap (and already in the house) solution for big, exposed surfaces.

Whew! I saw my life flash before my eyes when I read “BS Remover” in the “topic”. I thought my schtick was over.

Yeah…I thought they were talking about Denny’s job on here…


That’s awesome, thanks! I have always wanted to pick up my homebrew supplies from Fleet Farm. Now if I can get them to stock Wyermann malt, they can put right next to the chicken feed.

I’ll be honest, after a long two weeks straight at work, I was hoping this was instructions for a BS*** remover!! Hopefully a few homebrews when I get home are enough to erase it from my memory!!!

Just looked up the stuff at Tractor Supply.  40% phosphoric acid, no nitric acid (which is not ideally compatible with some parts in my draught system, but is in Five Star products) and dirt cheap compared to BS Remover.  Thanks for the tip.  Will grab a gallon next time I get by there.

I looked online at Tractor Supply for ‘acid wash’ but came up with no results. So, until I can find it I decided to try a small qty of the BS Remover. It came in last night. I must say, it works like a champ. I mixed it at one once per gallon and let it sit for about 30 minutes.  I poured the mixture into a container to save for later and wiped the inside of the fermenter where the scale was. Most of the scale simply wiped out with a paper towel. Some more stubborn areas took a tiny bit of scrubbing with a cooktop cleaning pad so it wouldn’t scratch. Bottom line: all cleaned, rinsed, dry, and ready to be sanitized. Good as new. If I can find a cheaper solution (like milk stone cleaner from a farm store) I’ll gladly pay less if it works as effortlessly as this does. I have Bar Keeper’s Friend and tried it on a spot but not willing to put that much elbow grease into the project. Cheers!

Picked some up today

Cool. Now I know what I’m looking for. It isn’t avail in my store but it is avail 20 mi away. I might see if I can get in store delivery.

Same here, I had to go a couple towns away to where they have dairy farms around, not stocked in your average suburban TS.  But I was going that way anyway.  Thanks to oginme for saving us big bucks!

This BS Remover works!  Though it is expensive, I had some pretty stubborn beer stone that took a full strength soak but it did exactly as advertised and simply wiped off after a while. I have cleaned a fermenter, a floating dip tube, and a keg so far.  I save the residual for use again but at some point I’m going to have to buy more. [emoji28]

Yep, the ONLY thing wrong with the stuff is the price!  I still haven’t tried the dairy product (I’d just de-BS’d everything before I got it)  but if not a substitute, the 5 Star is worth it.

I just had the milkstone remover shipped to a local store free.  Like you said, we’ll see. $13 bucks for a gallon you can’t go wrong if it works.

Edit: It works great. 1 oz per 6 gal warm water. Let it soak. Rub off the BS. Magic.