I have a pack of buzz bullets that I would like to try out in an APA (whirlpool only). But it’s only sufficient for half the hop bill. Any suggestions as what the other half could be? Buzz bullets is supposed to be a proprietary floral/citrus blend, but I don’t know what it’s like and there’s not a lot of information around.
I’ve used them before with Cascade and they have a citrusy, sweet orange aroma and taste. Some herbal, earthy notes in the background. I think they would go good with most American varieties like Columbus, Cascade, Centennial, and so on.
I’m probably going to brew a session something with 90 percent Maris otter, 10 percent carared, whitbread yeast, a bit of bittering hops, and all of the buzz bullets in the whirlpool (4 grams per liter). No dry hops.
It might also be 90% Barke Pils, 10% Carared, buzz bullets in the whirlpool, and the Blaugies saison yeast strain. But a buddy’s buddy will have to bring that over to Belgium from across the Atlantic.
LOVE Blaugies but I think a strong WP might overpower it’s magic but it’s your beer. That said, my house saison with blaugies does have a small IPA type hop late addition so these bullets would appear to work well. I am long overdue to source some Saison D’epeautre!
This may well be the first low oxygen saison in history. I’m sure that sounds like a contradictio in terminis, but hey, someone has to bite the bullet!
Some collateral damage while making a yeast starter is inevitable. Very nice beer. Very sessionable, a bit more hoppy than the average saison, a bit less funky, perhaps. The best combination of the fatherland and a young Padawan from the East coast. Cheers!