Got home last night from dinner and my dog was acting very strange, pacing, shaking, panting. Would not sit still or relax. She finally vomited several times and amongst her food, found little black things that turned out to be cacao nibs. After going to the pantry and finding my bag of nibs gone, I put it together. She had jumped up to my brewing supplies, taken the bag outside, and feasted on the whole thing. Turns out chocolate toxicity in a dog is very real and nibs are the most potent. She is currently in the the vet hospital with IV fluids, charcoal flushes, and antiseizure medication. Looks like she’s going to be fine, but just thought everyone should know to put their nibs on a high shelf.
Glad to hear your pup is OK. I’ve been aware of chocolate toxicity for a long time, but it’s good to warn people about it. BTW, grapes are also toxic for dogs.
and hops!
Oh man! Glad she is going to be OK! Thanks for the reminder!
Another thing to be careful of is spent grain. Might be alright for cows. But dogs will get really sick if they eat it when it starts to rot.
I wish the best for your dog, Trapae. I’m a life long dog lover (understatement) and I know how heartbroken I’d be if something like that happened to one of my dogs. Sounds positive though.
I am really glad your dog is going to be OK. It is amazing the bond we have with our dogs and their little lives are too short as it is.
Glad the prognosis for your pooch is good. I’ve spent many a night in the hospital with my kids (both fur and flesh) over the years, so I can certainly empathize.
While we’re on the discussion of things that are toxic to pets, I just recently learned that hops are toxic to cats as well. I’ve always known about dogs, but I never knew that cats get very ill from them as well. Thankfully my cat has never gotten into them, but I will certainly make sure to keep them out of reach from here on in.
Thanks all for the support, she is home now and doing well.
Glad to hear she’s okay.
Glad she’s ok. I’ve heard that garlic and onions are also pretty bad for dogs.
I have read mixed info on hops and cats. I like to play it safe and keep the bastards, I mean fluffy bundles of mischief, away when I am packing and weighing hops.
Sorry to hear but also glad that the prognosis looks positive.
Last week I accidentally moved forward the dose of paxil that my SIL’s little dog was supposed to get each morning. By the time I realized it… too late of course. Horrified I closely monitored dog and the poor thing slept most of the next day. Upon wakening the dog appeared rejuvenated and pretty chipper I must say. I thank my lucky stars.
I’ve seen a large dog die from eating chocolate. It is not something to take lightly.
Similar situation, in that the upstairs neighbors dog raided the pantry when no one was home.