Cacao Nibs in a porter?

What do folks recommend for using cacao nibs in a porter?  Boil?  Fermenter?  Keg?  Planning on doing a porter tomorrow and got a hold of some nibs today and not sure how best to use them.  Thanks!

I’ve dumped them in the fermenter after fermentation was finished.

I think boiling them might throw off the flavor. I’ve always used them in secondary post fermentation in secondary/keg

Add them in a bag into your keg and pull the bag when the flavor is where you want it. Works great.

If they are already toasted then I would put them in a loose, large hops boil bag and suspend it by dental floss a little bit off the bottom of my serving keg.  The nibs I bought were raw, so I spread them on a baking sheet and baked them at about 350° F. for maybe 15 minutes, turning, stirring, & mixing them at some time in the middle.  I used 6 ounces for a strong but pleasant cocoa flavor in my pale ale.  A porter could possibly handle more.