i brewed a huger beer- 1.128 og into primary. after 5 days, it was down to 1.054 and I added ~2lbs of dark candi syrup (1.032 gravity each). week later it was down to 1.020 and i added ~2 more pounds of the dark syrup. 5 more days and it is back down to 1.020.
anyone got an equation to determine total gravity/fermented sugar?
i am planning on transferring to 2ndary on Wednesday or thursday.
If you know your volume and you know the SG of the dark candi syrup you can figure it out. It’s going to be something like:
Where V is volume, SG is expressed in points, subscript s is syrup, subscript i is initial, subscript t is total. It will get you close, but it won’t be exact because Vi + Vs != Vt
No, you can’t substitute pounds for gallons, and also the gravity of the syrup is probably not 1.032, that is probably the potential SG. The way you’ve got it the gravity dropped when you addded syrup :) If the potential SG of the syrup is 1.032, that’s per pound in one gallon of water - you can estimate that 1 lbs of syrup is 1/12 of a gallon, based on honey weighing about 12 lbs per gallon. This gives us an estimated gravity of 1.384, which is a bit less than the SG of honey. 4 lbs is about 1/3 gallon, so it becomes:
yeah, thanks dude. i knew it would bean esitimate and it actually is not that far off of just calculating gravity as if you put the syrup in the boil. i think that was calculated at 1.135 or 38.