Anyone else really enjoy this strain? I am having a lot of good beers turned out with 051. It’s turned out some really interesting and refreshing ales. From Blonde-Stout. I am now considering a English bitter.
Dry stout with warrior chinook Willamette and herbs.
So it’s just me and you hopfenundmalz. All the same to me, I love this strain. It’s my new go to American Ale, and I have issues using it in any style ale yet that’s not weissbier, belgian, or sour.
I just tried WLP041 in a British Golden Ale (almost a Blonde). It was awesome. Pretty fruity, but, the fruit flavors blended well with Amarillo hops. Nice malty full bodied beer, too.
Really, I think I missed the style a bit, but, the beer was great.
If Bry-97 is the dry equivalent of 1272 or Cali V I can say I have also liked it in a few beers. It’s different than 001 or Us-05, just like it says. But I haven’t really liked it better in beers that I usually use US-05 in, I have liked it in other ales.
I have been sitting in some Bry-97 waiting to brew Hopfenundmalz’s Ballantine as well as the one from Steele’s IPA book. Damn, I need to brew those soon!