I’m just wondering if you think it is possible to bottle beer in canning jars, crank the lid on real tight. Reason is Canada customs seems to like my beer, so I’m thinking if I send to my friends there in Canada, I might be able to pull a fast one on em. I guess I will try one pint next bottling day, but was wondering if anyone has any thoughts…
They don’t seal well enough with positive pressure. I’ve tried to use them as pseudo growlers in the past; fill a couple of pints, take to a party, remove lid, instant pint… Turned into a leaky foamy mess in my bag :o
Yeah you can do exactly that. Though you would want to clean both or your beer might taste like pop
You can even buy amber plastic bottles from most homebrew supply stores (though they look like big plastic beer bottles so they won’t work for something like this).
I think you could use a regular soda bottle and buy the threaded caps for those amber plastic beer bottles. I think they are the same threads. Check that first though.
I had 2 of 4 packages mysteriously ‘disappear’ last winter. Thinking that they got confiscated by customs as you are not supposed to ship alcohol across the border, I am trying to come up with a different packaging. Root beer sounds good.
could have been due to broken bottles. Then they realize what it was and just don’t ship it. Plastic would help with that as well as it will take quite a beating to break a pop bottle open.
That’s odd. I would want to know why it disappeared even if it wasn’t allowed. You should have gotten some indication I would think. I’ve had beer and homemade meat goods shipped to me here in Canada without issue but maybe I got lucky. Good luck with the root beer approach.