Toronto Beer Week is holding it’s second HomeBrew Competition in September. The competition is open to Canadian homebrewers. The competition is not BJCP sanctioned and operates under it’s own relaxed rules.
The prize lineup for winning beers is awesome and includes four opportunities to have your beer brewed by an Ontario craft brewery:
Spearhead Brewing Company, the official sponsor of the contest is offering the “Best of Show” prize that consists of an opportunity to be Spearhead’s VIP guest at CBC in San Diego, including registration, transportation and accommodation.
The Amsterdam Brewing Company, brewer of last year’s best of show, Teichert Smoked Porter, is again offering to brew and release one of the winning beer categories with the winning brewer.
Beau’s All Natural Brewing Company is joining the contest this year and is offering to brew an organic version of one of the winning beer categories with the winning brewer at their brewery in Vankleek Hill, and release the beer.
The Granite Brewery released the winning Beer from the Southern Ontario Brewers “Plan it at the Granite” Contest during last year’s Toronto Beer Week. This year the Granite will be offering to brew one of the winning ale categories with the winning brewer. The brewer will have the opportunity to join Ron Keefe during the brew session as “Brewer for the Day” .
Great Lakes Brewery is offering the opportunity to brew one of the winning beer categories with the winning brewer their pilot system. Great Lakes will release the winning beer as part of their illustrious Project “X” series.
The deadline for entries is Friday September 9th.
More details are available on the Toronto Beer Week website:
Good luck!