Candi syrup in primary

I am toying with the idea of adding a couple pounds of dark candi syrup towards the tail end of my primary fermentation mainly to gain more gravity points from it in a smaller batch size (5 gallons in fermenter vs a finished 6.5 in boil kettle).

Anyone know if there is any harm in warming up the packs to decrease the viscosity of the syrup, sanitizing them and simply just dumping them into a fairly active fermentation? The syrups never seem to thick to me and I am guessing they will probably fully dissolve in an active yeast enviroment.

Just curious if anyone has any insight on this…Thanks!

They recommend adding at flameout:


I have seen that as well as the last 10 minutes or so, of which I have done both. Their product fresh out of the package is “sterile” but I guess my major concern was just wondering if it will fully dissolve without a quick boil before adding it to the fermenter…

FWIW I usually add mine with a minute or two left in the boil, Rob. As long as it gets distributed evenly, I doubt it matters.

You’ll need to stir it to get it to dissolve.  That will almost certainly get you at least a bit of O2 pickup.

I’d say the earlier you add it during fermentation the better. The more active the yeast is, the less of an issue O2 uptake would be. I’d pull off a liter of beer, stir the syrup in that until it is fully dissolved, then gently stir it back into fermentation.