Getting ready to brew my first Dortmunder, and working with Kai and Martin’s water spreadsheets. Kai’s sheet says “table salt” and Martin’s says “canning salt.” Which is it? I know table salt is iodized and canning salt is pure NaCl. So I assume I would probably use canning salt… is that correct?
( I have it on hand, as pickle season is not far off…)
Important to note however that not all table salt is iodized, so using table salt is also fine as long as the label says “…this salt does not contain iodide”.
Morton’s, Diamond Crystal, generic store brand…these all come in non iodized versions
Keeping that caveat in mind, table salt also works just fine if you buy the right type (if anything, the non-iodized ones seem to be more common).
Another difference between table and canning salt is that anti-caking stuff (calcium silicate) is added to table salt, and I think to kosher salt as well. However, from the standpoint of brewing I don’t think it matters. I believe kosher salt is not as pure as table salt because it can come from a variety of sources.