I’m not sure where else to put this or who to contact but has anyone else not been able to log into the final.brewingcompetition site? I putting my exact email and password that works fine on the normal brewingcompetition site. When I put info into the final.brewingcompetition site, all I get back is " Sorry, there was a problem with your last login attempt. Please make sure your email address and password are correct."
anyone know how to fix this?
Site is still under construction, the email they sent me said it wouldn’t be ready until Monday.
The site is up and running and I can’t log into it either…and the reset password feature doesn’t work. Would be nice if it worked since the clock is ticking to get our recipe’s uploaded etc. Also the link in the FAQ’s doesn’t work either…have to take the “/final/” off of the end of it to pull up the site.