In short would you dry hop with wet hops?
Based on my experience, not unless you’re a fan of chlorophyll.
Based on 3 dry hoppings with wet hops, once it was great and twice it was terrible.
I always dry mine, and use for bittering almost exclusively. They work splendidly for bittering. About 6.2% alpha here on average.
Dry them for a couple of days and then use them for dry hopping.
That’s what I am planning to do with the Cascade wet hop ale I brewed yesterday.
Well I went just exclusively late boil and WP, I hope it turns out alright. I went with some hothead and wet hop, excited to see how this works out. And the brew has finished primary, getting ready to crash for a couple days, once I get my sausages to drop to 30% weight loss… That’s for everyone’s opinions