Celebrity homebrewers

One of the members of the Fort Wayne homebrew club is the morning weatherman on the local ABC affiliate station.

im kind of a celebrity

in my house.

Wil Wheaton is probably the best known homebrewing celebrity. I believe Dean Norris actually homebrews like his character in Breaking Bad. Aisha Tyler (Archer, Friends) is or was a homebrewer. For a time Kathy Ireland was a homebrewer–I believe she was featured in Zymurgy in the late 1990s.

We’ve got a gynecologist, and a former member is a professional chef (both pretty well known locally).  Our original president was Midwest Homebrewer of the Year (MWHBOY) (a looong time ago), and the current MWHBOY three-peater was my college housemate’s significant other (and current spouse) and I know him pretty well.  He asked me for pointers when he first started brewing. Meanwhile I’ve been homebrewing twice as long as he has and my beer still sucks. ;D

Quit your kidding.

I’ll bet some of my friends would agree with me.  Not that they’ll say to my face, but, they should.

Is a celebrity who is a homebrewer more famous than a homebrewer who is a celebrity in the brewing community?  Seems like Jamil or whoever is the latest thing gets more attention than the guy who does the news.