Chateau Abbey Malt

At a LHBS closing, I bought a 55 lb. sack of Abbey Malt for a fire sale price

With the statement " Up to 10% of the mix" looks like I have a lifetime supply of it. Anyone have much experience with this stuff?  Any recipe suggestions?  It would be nice to make some sort of Belgian Imperial Porter or whatever that I could start using this up.

I used 7 or 8% in a Dubbel last year and liked it quite a bit. It has some residual sweetness but not like you’d get in a crystal. I think it could be used in a lot of beers.

I think it is similar to Munich in some ways, or maybe I’m confusing it with MFB’s Abbey malt.

Pretty sure this is Castle’s new name for Aromatic malt. If so it’s going to take a while to use up a sack of it. I like to think of Aromatic of an amped-up Munich. I love it, but a little goes a long way.

If that’s the case, I normally use ~ 5% Aromatic (when I use it) so the 7 or 8 I used of the Abbey wasn’t too far off. It’s a good malt but Aromatic does go a long way, if that’s what it is.

Yep, I am thinking I will be making a lot of dubbels with this stuff.  Good think I like dubbel.  :smiley:

Castle’s website calls this a “Belgian brown malt”.  They make an aromatic and a Munich.  Think of English brown malt, the stuff is so variable between different maltsters, its hard to know exactly what its like.  Guess I am just going to have to brew something.