With the statement " Up to 10% of the mix" looks like I have a lifetime supply of it. Anyone have much experience with this stuff? Any recipe suggestions? It would be nice to make some sort of Belgian Imperial Porter or whatever that I could start using this up.
I used 7 or 8% in a Dubbel last year and liked it quite a bit. It has some residual sweetness but not like you’d get in a crystal. I think it could be used in a lot of beers.
Pretty sure this is Castle’s new name for Aromatic malt. If so it’s going to take a while to use up a sack of it. I like to think of Aromatic of an amped-up Munich. I love it, but a little goes a long way.
If that’s the case, I normally use ~ 5% Aromatic (when I use it) so the 7 or 8 I used of the Abbey wasn’t too far off. It’s a good malt but Aromatic does go a long way, if that’s what it is.
Yep, I am thinking I will be making a lot of dubbels with this stuff. Good think I like dubbel.
Castle’s website calls this a “Belgian brown malt”. They make an aromatic and a Munich. Think of English brown malt, the stuff is so variable between different maltsters, its hard to know exactly what its like. Guess I am just going to have to brew something.