cheap hops at morebeer

How does $0.90 per ounce sound?

HNB2W: Hop (Whole) - Northern Brewer (2 oz) $2.38  (discounted 60%)
HCZE2W: Hop (Whole) - Czech Saaz (2 oz) $2.88  (discounted 50%)
HSTE2W: Hop (Whole) - Sterling (2oz) $1.98  (discounted 50%)
HSTE2: Hop (Pellets) - Sterling (2 oz) $2.00  (discounted 20%)
HAMA.5: Hop (Pellets) - Amarillo (.5 oz) $0.45  (discounted 40%)
HBKG.5: Hop (Pellets) - Kent Goldings (.5 oz) $0.45  (discounted 40%)
HCEN.5: Hop (Pellets) - Centennial (.5oz) $0.45  (discounted 40%)
HCHI.5: Hop (Pellets) - Chinook (.5 oz) $0.45  (discounted 40%)
HPER.5: Hop (Pellets) - Perle (.5oz) $0.45  (discounted 40%)
HVAN.5: Hop (Pellets) - Vanguard (.5 oz) $0.45  (discounted 40%)

Do we know if they are 2010 or 2009?

No, that’s not mentioned anywhere that I can see.

Ahh good old days.
I remember I did pay 5.99 for 1 oz of Halertau.

I ordered some, if it’s on the packaging when they arrive I’ll let you know.

I went to the page you linked and didn’t see the saaz and most of the others. In fact I saw only 3 listed at discounted prices. Either they went like wild fire or I have to go deeper. Did you go into just the hops section or were they all listed on that link?

They were right there, I think they sold quickly.  I’ve since gotten a message that the 1/2 oz packages of Amarillo I ordered are out of stock, I’m not sure what they’re going to do, I haven’t heard yet.  If I don’t hear a plan by Monday I’ll call them and we’ll figure something out.