My 15 year old chest freezer finally died and I just got a shiny new one. I would really like to prevent the inside from rusting out. Anybody have any tips to keep my new fermentation chamber looking good? I just finished caulking the interior in hopes that it will slow down the rusting process.
Check Experimental Brewing podcast either #1 or #2 near the very end for a tip from Drew. podcast | Experimental Brewing If I remember right, I think he said to put silicon caulking around the inside seams to help prevent rust.
I’m sure that is where I heard this.
Damp rid or electric dehumidifiers. Damp rid works best, but it’s a constant expense, the plug in crystal based dehumidifiers work ok, peltier based dehumidifiers run 110 which means another point where the lid gasket is opened
How often do you have to replace the Damp rid?
Depends on the humidity and how often I open the lid. Maybe once a month? Blow off buckets and warmer ferments keep the humidity high which makes it last half as long as normal.
Currently I use the crystal dehumidifiers, but like I said they don’t seem to work that well. I have two of the smaller sized plug in “rechargeable” units in my ferm freezer and keezer. I try to charge them every few weeks, but forget.
I’ve had decent luck with these silica dehumidifiers. You can recharge by cooking them in the oven. I tend to bake them every few months (depending on how often I’m opening the lid):
If you do this, just remember to carefully remove the lid before heating. The lid has a plastic window that will melt into the indicator beads if you don’t remove it.
There’s no need to remove the top insert with the indicator beads. It’s a PITA to get out without spilling beads everywhere, and after a few hours in the oven they all get plenty dry anyway.
I considered these ^^^, but I liked the idea of being able to do it outside without the oven on. At the time I was living in Dallas and using the electric oven was a double whammy when considering the AC usage needed to fight it back.
You are correct, Drew’s tip is at the end of episode 2, just listened to it today.
I considered these ^^^, but I liked the idea of being able to do it outside without the oven on. At the time I was living in Dallas and using the electric oven was a double whammy when considering the AC usage needed to fight it back.
I have something similar, but it’s a bit smaller and comes in a cloth bag. You just microwave it to renew it, maybe they sell something in the US.
In my 7.2 CF keezer I use two EVA-Dry 500’s. Used them for years and not even a sweat breaks out inside. I recharge about once per month. Still on the original two after 6 years and they continue to work great.