Greetings. In an attempt to not make the same mistakes on my second batch that I made on my first (temperature control foremost, but not the only one) I have just purchased a 6.9cf chest freezer and an InkBird ITC-308 temperature controller to set up as a fermentation chamber. The first batch, while I never saw the stick-on fermometer go above 72F during active fermentation, I can not guarantee that it didn’t, and it did get above 80F afterwards. I’m trying not to make that mistake again. So, on to the questions.
1: I will only be doing Ales (IPA, Hefeweizen, Porter, Stout, and maybe a Saison, Barleywine or Mead on a rare occasion). I know that I will need to tape the probe of the controller to the carboy under a piece of styrofoam or other insulation for accurate temps. If I wanted to ferment an IPA at say 65F, would I set the controller for 65F, or should it be set 2 or 3 degrees lower?
2: Should the controller be set to turn the compressor on when the temperature is 1 degree higher than the set temp, or should I use a higher temperature differential?
3: I have the freezer set up, but empty. The controller is set at 63F and the controller shuts the compressor off at the set temp. The freezer, however continues to chill to below 60F even after it is shut off. I know that the ambient air temp is not what I will be going by during fermentation, but will that temperature difference cause a problem, or will the wort hold temperature good enough that this will not be a problem?
4: In reference to #3, would it be wise to just go ahead and put a reptile heating bulb in the freezer just to be on the safe side or would it just be a waste of money if the difference between the set temp and the air temp will not be an issue? The freezer will be in a room in the house that stays between 75F and 80F year round.
5: Should I set the thermostat on the freezer to the coldest setting, the warmest setting or in the middle. I have never set up a freezer on a controller like this, and not sure what the best way to do it is.
6: My 6.5 gallon carboy is 25.5" tall with the airlock installed. The freezer is 26" from the floor to the lid. is .5" enough clearance between the airlock and the lid enough, or should I just go ahead and get some 1" tubing and set up a blow-off hose?
Thanks for taking the time to read through this and offer your guidance.