Chewy malt

I have a 10# bag of Golden Promise. I just milled and the milled grain didn’t look right. Didn’t break in half. Lots of it still looks whole but bloated after milling. Some of it is floating in the mash.

I tasted the uncrushed malt. It tasted soft and chewy instead of dry and crisp.

I am mashing now. Not sure what the conversion will be like.

Should I toss it? I bought this malt at the LHBS about 1 month ago.

Based on my experience, you can use it and it should convert fine.  However, you may not like the flavor. I recently tossed 100+ lb. of malt because it was chewy.  Didn’t seem like it made bad beer until I compared it to a beer made with fresh malt.  At that point I decided it wasn’t worth it.


Conversion went fine. I may be wasting hops, but, I’m just finishing the batch. I will see how it turns out.

It will be interesting to see what you think.

This batch is now ready to drink. I don’t notice anything off. It could be I would notice if I compared to a batch made with malt that was stored properly (Denny’s suggestion above).

I now know storing malt in my garage in a paper bag is not a good thing.