I brewed up a hefeweizen that ended up not really being much of a “Hefe”. Wasn’t crystal clear but I did notice the significant difference between a bottle that had been in the fridge less than 24 hours vs one that had been in longer.
My experience is that chill haze appears once the beer is cold. Why is my haze taking over 24 hours to develop?
Maybe your proteins are really small and its taking longer for them to come out of solution.
Funny how stuff we want cloudy clears great and stuff we want clear stays cloudy. I swear I think wheat in a beer is actually a good way to make it clear up.
I believe that it takes some time for the proteins to come out of solution as the beer chills (colder = faster) then they have to start sticking together for you to be able to “see” them.
My chill haze “solution”: 31 deg F for a week, 1/2 packet of gelatin dissolved in 1/2 cup of the target beer, add to beer while still over 100 deg (so the gelatin solution will stay at the top). 2 days later you have clear beer!
My wheat beers usually end up being the clearest beers I have on tap. I’ve never figured out what I’m doing wrong. I just assumed it was me and no one else ever had this “problem”.