I am brewing a cider that I pitched on 09/29/2010. I have left it in the primary since that time. At the top of the fermentor a strange top layer developed. I have done two ciders before and I can not remember if this top layer of solid material was there before. Does anyone know what this layer of material is? it is sort of cloudy but it is not in a layer. It resembles the underside of a jelly fish not including the tentacles if that makes any sense. I used unpasteurized cider I got from Oak Glen and I treated it with sulfides before I pitched my WL Cider Yeast. This material developed a few weeks later. When i shake the fermentor it starts to sink to the bottom, but some of it floats back up to the top. My other question is should I rack it to a secondary for conditioning and how long to condition. I am pretty patient with my brews as I have conditioned things for over a year at times. I am looking for the best results that the cider would need before it is nice to drink. I plan on a still cider that I would like to be semi-dry. Thnak you for your help.
Just for comparison. I also bought 5 gallons of unpasteurized apple cider from Oak Glen on 10/16/2010. I too inoculated the cider with WL Cider Yeast on that same day. However, I did not treat the cider with sulfides as you did, I just let the natural bugs be.
In my inexperienced opinion and without looking at your carboy or tasting your cider, but from your description I think you are describing acetobacter. However, even by looking at the thin layer of film it’s hard to tell. A flavor of vinegar is a better indicator of acetobacter.
Also, the thin layer your are describing might just be the fermentation slowly in progress. I too remember a thin layer floating around that looked like white mucus. But I’m sure it was not bad, I think it was just the fermentation slowly acting. Man, you’re cider might be okay.
I have not tasted it yet, and I will try andf get pics of it. The layer is about two inches deep from the top of the cider. And I do not know if it is acetobacteria, I treated the cider with sulfides and also pitched a starter of cider yeast and it took off in about an hour. That would have removed all the O2 that the acetobaceria would need to get a purchase. But I will try the cider and post a pic. the last time I looked at it, the material had become less and I think it settled. Thank you for the help. If it is acetobacteria I guess I am screwed.
[quote]If it is acetobacteria I guess I am screwed.
Not if you like sauerbraten. Seriously, if all you wind up doing is making apple cider vinegar, then you’re not totally hosed. You’ll need to find something else to drink, but at least you don’t have to dump it.