Cider yeast article - more info wanted

I read the article on a cider yeast comparison project with great interest, as I have been informally testing various yeasts for years.  Interesting to see that two of the yeasts produced a reportedly sweet-tasting cider, however, there was no supporting data (final gravity or Brix).  I’m left wondering if the yeast really did leave sugar behind - which would be surprising to me - or if there was a flavor perception of sweetness, which I have experienced with some yeasts, even though the cider was actually dry.

Any chance we could see OG, FG, and perhaps pH and titratable acidity?  These are basic analytical data that should be gathered for a true research project.

While I don’t think the intent of the research or its funding is to produce peer-reviewed articles, I think the requested data should be shared as a condition of funding.

while the requested information would be handy, it seems to me like they met their statement of purpose.  And since this happened several months ago, I assume they’ve already been paid for the 35 gallons of Costco apple juice.

I make a ton of cider.  “How’s it smell/taste?” - that’s what I care about.  I had come to similar conclusions on my own, but I was happy to see the results and found the study useful.


[quote=“udubdawg, post:3, topic:15041, username:udubdawg”]

+1.  Same here.

It goes without saying that the subjective data (how does it taste) is most important, I don’t see why objective data is not included especially since this data was probably collected.  A beer recipe should include O.G. and F.G., why not a cider recipe?

The Home Brew Talk cider forum has the most extensive thread I’ve ever seen on making cider with various yeasts.  It does not necessarily have tasting notes from BJCP judges but he does report his FG.

My recollection is that cider is typically pretty standard at about 1.055 OG, but I suppose that could vary.

That’s about the average of the juice I get from my trees.

I did one recently with western family juice and it was 1.050

I’ve done 2 recently with White House & Publix store brand AJ (Publix is a grocery chain here in the South). Both had OG’s of 1.050. I preferred the White House even though it was from concentrate and Publix was not. Both Belgian Abbey yeast.

Good to know my mind is not completely shot.