Cinnamon-Maple Stout

A number of years ago, before we began our journey into home-brewing, my wife and I had the pleasure of dining at Small Batch Whiskey something-or-other restaurant in St. Louis.  In addition to some fine bourbons, they also sourced some craft beer, one in specific, a Cinnamon-Maple Stout.  It was indescribably delicious, suffice to say, it was incredible.

Now they don’t seem to have it on the menu, which is irrelevant anyway, as they seem to be closed due to the pandemic.  So I’d like to try to create this at home.

Has anyone run across a recipe for a Cinnamon-Maple Stout, or even anything remotely similar?  At this stage, I’d settle for EITHER an all-grain or an extract in a 5-gallon configuration.  Anyone???

I can’t give you much help with a recipe, but have you tried reaching out to them? I’d try shooting them a facebook message or email to see if they’re willing to share the recipe (or at least some pointers).

I can tell you that the best way to get maple flavor is to use fenugreek.

Be really careful, a little fenugreek goes a long way

I’ve never been disappointed by the flavorings from this company.

I’ve tried about 15 and they’ve all been fantastic, robust, and high quality. I don’t see myself going back to physical adjuncts when I need them in a recipe.

popular maple candies use that in addition to maple syrup, and when you have enough of them, you can taste the slight difference. its a good taste and definitely similar to maple syrup.

one might add some of these maple candies

Sounds a lot like Fugee from Fretboard Brewing in Cincinnati, had the pleasure of sampling that one at the GABF two years ago. always wanted to try and replicate that one, never got that far.

I’ve tried multiple times to use maple syrup in beer and every time I’ve concluded that it was a terrific waste of good syrup!  I think if I ever go for maple flavor again, it will be with a fenugreeek tincture- not maple.

this sounds crazy, but going even further, and mentioned in my maple syrup making thread - maple wood. taking sugar, cooking it in maple wood. soaking maple wood in cask strength alcohol?


Go for it- I doubt that it will give you the impression of maple syrup, but it just might give you something good!