citra, sorachi ace, centennial

Has anyone tried citra, sorachi ace, and centennial together?

I’m planning an IPA using what I’ve got on hand, which means roughly for each 5 gallons 1 oz of citra, 1.3 oz of sorachi ace, and maybe 1.1 oz of centennial (oz instead of g for you Keith).  The bittering will be warrior, and I’ll use some Falconer’s Flight to add a backbone of flavor/aroma.  I’m thinking of doing the citra/centennial late or dry hop and saving the sorachi ace for another beer.  I’m just not sure the sorachi will go well with the citra/cents.  They are 2011 crop citra by the way.



Sounds like an interesting combo.  I’ve never done that specific combo, but would love to hear how it comes out.

If you brew it, please report back on it.


I like sorachi ace by itself and want to try it in a hoppy weizen, like the Brooklyn/Schneider collaboration.
Although lots of folks on the forum say that citra overwhelms everything else, I think the citra/centennial dry hop sounds good.

Hey, a little late to the party here.

I have tried this combo a couple times and I really like it.
one caveat:  and don’t gasp your onion breath, but I add summit to the mix. :smiley:

First attempt: Mix=.5 oz Citra, .5 Sorachi, .5 summit, .5 Cent

FWH 1oz Sorachi
2oz of mix @ 15, 10, 5, 0

My latest attempt had this hop sched:

2oz Crystal FWH
.5 Warrior @ 60

.5 Cent, .5 Summit, .5 Citra, .5 Sorachi @ 15, 5, 0 and hopstand

Dry hop (keg) 1oz Summit, 1 Cent, 1 sorachi, 1 Crystal

So, my trials of this combo have Summit in the mix, so perhaps it is not comparable.
However, I would urge you to add the sorachi.  I think the Citra is a little powerful over the sweet Cent.
You need something to cut that, to my tastes anyway.

Good luck.

Maybe the onion balances the dill from the Sorachi? Works good in potato salad…


Brewing it now.  I don’t have enough to use them in the kettle, so I’m going to dry hop.  I might throw in the sorachi if the mood strikes me, but I’m tempted to save them for another beer.  I’ll let you know what I decide to do and how it turns out.