Cleaning my Perlick's

My draft system is very simple. I have Perlick 650SS connected to a liquid QD via an adapter.  See below.

I found an easy way to clean these taps with my Mark II Keg and Carboy washer. I am using a stainless carbonation cap connected to the pump pump the Mark II.

So the question is: what solution should I use for cleaning?  I started with PBW. I do have some BLC. But, I actually don’t have any beer lines :slight_smile: I am thinking maybe I should use BLC occasionally to work on beer stone but that PBW is good for more regular cleaning. Frankly, I am only cleaning now because the faucet is spitting when I first open and I think there might be a piece of hops stuck inside. This started after serving a hoppy wheat.

My SOP is to run very hot water through the lines and taps first thing after emptying a keg, to get rid of all the sticky/sugary deposits. Then I run Star San through, emptying the keg full of sanitizer and purging the keg in the process. I run BLC through the lines a couple times/yr.