I was at one of my local breweries last night and they had a single hop pale ale on using Cleopatra hops. I tried to find out some information on the hops and really haven’t come up with much so I thought I would ask here. The brewer didn’t have any real information either, it was a hop his supplier had so he thought he would give it a try. The aroma was fantastic for the pale ale, but the bittering was a bit understated. I could see this hop for aroma in pale ales and IPAs, but didn’t know if someone had more experience with them or more information to offer.
New one to me. Apparently they have some from the 2015 crop on ebay with the following description:
“Cleopatra hops are new American hop. Hop Heaven has the entire crop again this year. It has pleasant Citrus notes and light pine/ resinous character. It also has some tropical and German spicy tendencies. Not as big in oils as Citra, more in line with Cascade. It is one of my favorite single hop beers, making a very pintable beer. Don’t use this hop if you need your kegs to stay full!”
By this description, it almost sounds like a less powerful/more subdued version of Equinox. Which if it is, it might be a better option to combine with traditional C hops than Equinox based on pure potency. I’ll have to keep an eye open for it.
[quote]The alpha is 11%, found on a farm about 5 years ago, I have brewed it a few times, started as G1, they changed the name this year. First year it was mechanically harvest and dried, up to now it was hand picked. I do a single hop, 1.055 base malt and touch Vienna, first hop addition at whirlpool 1 oz per gallon sitting 15 minutes than start to chill. Dry hop with .6 oz gallon. With this recipe you can make 15 -20 gallons, cool in 4 different pots all with unique hops. Cleopatra won each tasting of 4 beers (twice) as the most inviting and drinkable. Beating Mosiac and Equinox, Mand B and some others. I see this as a great session hop, not going to get in your way of the 5th pint.
It’s from the Hop Heaven ebay store. You can also email Ted at Hop Heaven directly. I don’t want to post his email publicly, but I’ll give it to you if you PM me.
Denny, just to double check, these are the same as X17 ? I ask because Mike posted that quote from Ted where Ted says that they were originally called G1. Just curious.