Climate Change Limiting Cantillon Production?

Jean feels climate change is causing his brewing season to shorten year after year. Last year he was short 2.5 months compared to his grandfathers brewing season.

We had the warmest November 1st in history this year in Belgium…

It is in the 70s here in MI with clear blue skies. I will take it. I know that we will have winter soon enough. I am trying to think of the downside, can’t come up with one.

A few years ago we had unseasonable weather in early March, 80F for a week. That was followed by a freeze, which knocked the blossoms off of the cherry and apple trees. That was a definite downside.

We just went through the warmest year in 150 years…

I know some farmers here who have been substantially changing how they do things and what they grow in order to adapt.

It’s been in the 70s here this week. No complaints, but still really warm for November.

Last I saw the North is going to have a very mild winter while the south is going to get pounded. I need to get out of Texas before the ice comes.

Better hire a boat.

We have been pounded the last 2 winters, so a relatively mild one will be welcome.

The West was hot and dry this summer, we had a fairly cool and wet summer, as the jet stream was north in the west, then dipped down south in the eastern half.

Remember that one person’s global warming is another person’s, Hey, it’s nice out!:stuck_out_tongue:

" Yes yes it’s nice out, but what do you mean they’re out of Fou’foune? What tf am I supposed to drink, a f-ing lager? " :frowning: