Cloudy 1st mead

2gallon batch, OG 1.106, FG 1.002, cleared brightly in secondary,  added potassium sorbate for 1 week then 1/2 cup honey to back sweeten. After adding the potassium sorbate  the batch became cloudy and never fully cleared to previous state. It has turned out nice and my family enjoys, but would like it bright in the future. Ideas?  Thanks, Steve

Bottle: Barron’s Market in Point Loma
Tap: O’Brien’s on Convoy Street

Adding honey at backsweetening will guarantee clouding.  I give it a month or two after backsweet to clear again.  Did you sulfate as well?

yes adding the honey is what caused the clouding.  You can wait, use a clarifier like sparkolloid, or filter to clear.  Those are from slowest to quickest.

Thanks for the info. Will try cold crashing and clarifier on next batch.